Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Unchecked Exuberance

Having a really, really great idea seems to fill ones energy-well till it's overflowing into the landscape. This can have the effect of infecting the surrounding population with doses of the juice that sparks more ideas and excitement. In the right circumstance, the energy of change grows quickly and lights twinkle in the wilderness-of-was like fireflies on some magic summer night reflecting the miracles of the starry sky.

But exuberance unchecked can run the well dry. This lesson left me holding my palm up for the sky to ponder and grace, or not, for what seemed like an eternity.

And the view from afar? I can only imagine, but as the dining room became emptier and emptier, and my forecasts for rain continued to overestimate the daily reality, my imagination became fairly (and fairly reasonably) paranoid.

Lesson learned? Position yourself for continued exuberance. Run in the woods if there's energy at the end of the day from the excitement of the situation. Always feel the bottom of the lake beneath your feet, knowing that unknown forces may pull you at times and you'll need the strength to return to stability.

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